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Bayshore Little League

Register Now for Spring 2025!

Volunteers Needed!

Why Should I Become a Volunteer?
Little League Baseball and Softball is an organization designed to build good citizens. It is a program of leadership, preparing today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. Bayshore Little League relies on volunteers to help ensure that the organization remains structured and runs smoothly. Bayshore Little League is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of children. By reading further, you will discover that the benefits of volunteering are endless. You will also gain a better understanding of why you should become involved, who volunteers are, what you can do, and how you can sign up.

Who Can Volunteer?
Anyone can apply to become a volunteer. Whatever talents or skills you have, we can use them!  Any community member who wishes to become a volunteer may apply. All parents of children involved in Bayshore Little League are strongly encouraged to volunteer. As a parent volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a safe, fun-filled environment. Volunteering allows your life and your child's life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests
and goals. 

How Do I Become A Volunteer?
Parents, take a minute to fill out the volunteer form while registering your child.  All volunteers are now required to get FDLE with national search background checks. We have a new vendor and the process is much easier for everyone as it is self-service and all online.  Please click the following link to begin.

If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]  Thank you for volunteering.

What Can I Volunteer To Do?
No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities require little or no training. Bayshore Little League will provide you with any necessary training (as well as support and encouragement), as they deem necessary. What you see during Little League games is a mere fraction of what you can do as a volunteer. You can volunteer to help in virtually any aspect of Little League Baseball or Softball!

We appreciate all of the efforts from the parents and the volunteers in making this a better Little League.


Dan Greco – President, 
Bayshore Little League


Re: Bayshore Little League Safety Compliance Initiative: Locking Batting Cages – Access limited to Approved Volunteers

Dear Little League Parents and Volunteers,

Over the past few years, Bayshore Little League has experienced unprecedented growth and the overall demand to utilize our facilities has also increased. The Bayshore Little League Board of Directors has continually worked during this time to improve our league in order to better serve the children in our community.

As the Organization designated by the City of Tampa with responsibility to manage and regulate the safe usage of the park/facility on Davis Islands, Bayshore Little League must meet the standards set by the City of Tampa Parks & Recreation department and its facility Usage Agreement. The Agreement requires that we secure the facility both for safety and to the limit of liability of both the City of Tampa and Bayshore Little League.  As a result, effective immediately, Bayshore Little League will be locking our batting cage areas in an effort to avoid potential injuries caused by non-approved volunteers having access these areas and to continue to protect our resources for the Little League and its youth softball and baseball participants. This is consistent with every other little league that operates on City owned fields.

The board has approved the Master Lock Vault Enterprise app, which can be downloaded by approved volunteers on the Android or IOS mobile device, to secure our facilities. All current approved volunteers will be receiving an email invitation with detailed instructions to create your accounts.  The Master Lock Vault system provides an electronic record when each volunteer’s code is used. 

All approved volunteers must comply with the rules and regulations for batting cage and field usage. Allowing unauthorized persons or teams to use or access the cages or fields without proper written authorization from the President and an approved and validated release of liability will result in revocation of access. Finally, as a reminder, children under the age of 18 years old are never allowed to throw batting practice.

If you would like to be considered to become an approved volunteer please click the link above to begin the background check process.  Additionally, sign up to be considered for cage access by clicking the button below titled, "Batting Cage Volunteer" and submit your answers to the questions to enable the board to make an informed decision regarding your request.  

Becoming an approved volunteer at Bayshore Little League is not a right, it is a privilege. By completing the confidential Federal and State background checks, getting CPR & Concussion training, and attending our PCA workshop, a volunteer meets the requirements set by the Bayshore Board of Directors.

We appreciate your support and understanding as we make these modifications in support of Bayshore Little League, Little League International & our District 6, the South Tampa Community and its players.

Please contact the Board of Directors to discuss any questions related to the City of Tampa Facilities Usage Agreement.


Dan Greco
Bayshore Little League

Volunteer Opportunities

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Contact Us

Bayshore Little League

181 Columbia Drive 
Tampa, Florida 33606

Phone: 561-670-8977
Email: [email protected]

Bayshore Little League

181 Columbia Drive 
Tampa, Florida 33606

Phone: 561-670-8977
Email: [email protected]
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